Sex, Sin, and Science: Gender Norms in the 19th Century

This exhibition explores the conflict between science and religion in the United States and how it caused a reforming of gender roles in the mid-19th century. To develop a better understanding of how these changes developed over time, the exhibition is divided into four time periods: The Age of Reform (1820s-1850s), The Health Movement (1830s-1850s), the late Antebellum Period (1850-1861), and The Gilded Age (1870s-1890s). Through these categories, the exhibit shows how religious definitions of etiquette were gradually altered to allow more sexual freedom for both genders. All objects in this exhibit are from the Josephine Long Wishart Mother, Home, and Heaven collection which consists of an array of etiquette manuals and pamphlets.  Although the texts from this collection were targeted for white, middle-class citizens, larger societal issues about race and gender can be gleaned from them. In this exhibit, issues of race, politics, sexuality, religion, and science all provide context for how and why gender roles were redefined in mid-19th century America. The exhibit overall answers the question of how the increasing influence of scientific/medical popular texts combined with existing Christian religious ideas embedded in etiquette books in the 1820s–1880s contributed to the reformulation of gender roles and sexual freedom.